'I am a fan 2.bas SmallBASIC 2015-04-21 B+ 'of Peter's vacuum that sucks! rect 0,0,800,400,0 filled while 1 for i=1 to 18 if i mod 2 then circle 200 + cos(i+a)*i*10,200 + sin(i+a)*i*10,i,1,9 filled circle 600 + cos(i+a1)*i*10,200 + sin(i+a1)*i*10,i,1,9 filled else circle 200 + cos(i+a)*i*10,200 + sin(i+a)*i*10,i,1,12 filled circle 600 + cos(i+a1)*i*10,200 + sin(i+a1)*i*10,i,1,12 filled fi next delay .5 a+=.1 '.1 fan, .01 fan2, 1.0 fan3 a1+=.04 rem another fine thing is: a = a+0.01 if a >=360 then a = -a k=inkey if asc(k)=27 then locate 20,120: ? "Goodbye" :end wend